Share a time that you felt angry., Share a time that you felt sad., Share a time that you felt scared., Share a time that you felt silly., Share a time that you felt excited., Share a time that you felt nervous., Tell a funny joke., What is a coping skill you can use when you are mad?, What is a coping skill you can use when you are stressed or nervous?, Who is someone you trust?, Who is in your safety network?, What does trust mean to you?, How can you tell when you feel safe?, How can you tell when you feel unsafe?, Who is someone that you care about?, Who is someone that cares about you?, What is something you have learned in counseling?, What do you want to learn more about in counseling?, What is the difference between safe and unsafe touch?, Name one of your strengths., Demonstrate your favorite breathing technique., What is one way you can take care of your physical self?, What is one way you can take care of your emotional self?, What is one way you can take care of your social self?, Say something kind to yourself., What is your favorite coping skill?, What is something you would like for Leah to know about you?.
Counseling with Leah!
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