Where was she yesterday? - She was at the aquarium., Was he at the amusement park yesterday? - No, he wasn't. He was at the museum., Where were they yesterday? - They were at the pharmacy., Were they at the coffee shop yesterday? - No, they weren't. They were at the flower shop., Where were you yesterday? - I was at home., Let's meet here at 10 o'clock. - OK. See you then., How's the weather today? - It's sunny., How was the weather yesterday? - It was rainy., Where was the lunchbox? - It was on the desk., What was on the table? - A calculator was on the table., Were there any magazines on the table? - Yes, there were., How do you spell helpful? - H-E-L-P-F-U-L, Were there laptops before 1960? - No, there weren't.,

Everybody up 3 check up 4



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