You rent a house. The bath has leaked and flooded the house. Your landlord wants you to pay for the damage.  , You recently started university. You're sharing a flat with three other students, all from different countries. You realise you're the tidiest person in the flat. You're always tidying up after everyone else — and it annoys you. You decide to try and talk to the person you think is messiest — an English student., The room in your hotel is too hot and so you complain to the receptionist. You're fairly sure you left your camera and laptop in your hostel room when you went out this morning, but now you can't find them. You think a member of staff might have stolen them., You are staying in a hotel. You need to get up early for an important meeting tomorrow. There's a huge wedding party going on downstairs. You decide to go and ask them to keep the noise down. , You have been having serious problems with your neighbors. They make a lot of noise: they have loud arguments, and they have a large dog that barks tonight. Recently, they've started throwing rubbish into your garden. You've had enough. .



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