Indirect Taxes - Taxes paid to the Government by an intermediary (manufacturers or sellers of goods and services), who then adds the amount of the tax paid to the value of the good/services and passes the amount to the end user., Sales and services tax - Example of indirect taxes., Direct taxes - Taxes that are directly paid to the Government by the taxpayer., Case laws - Accumulated decisions of the courts, where the court have expressed their opinions regarding the interpretation of the Statues., Consumption tax - Tax charged based on the taxpayers' ability to pay, but from the perspective of expenditures incurred., Flexibility - Tax system should be dynamic and can keep pace with technological and commercial developments., Scope of charge - The limits within which income would be taxable in the country., Section 4 (a) , Income tax Act 1967 - Gains or profits from a business, for whatever period of time carried on., Simplicity - Tax system should be simple to understand so that taxpayers may find it convenient to discharge their responsibility. , Functions of inland revenue Board Malaysia - Advice government on matters pertaining to taxation.,

Malaysian Income Tax System



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