Ares: God of War - If they are a soldier going to war, Hegemone: Goddess of Plants - If they need help growing their garden, Zeus: King of The Gods - If they are a farmer who needs rain during a drought, Athena: Goddess of Crafts - If they need help with studying for a test, or to learn a particular skill, Apollo: God of The Sun - If they need help to heal a sick person, Hera: Goddess of Family - If they are praying for a safe childbirth , Poseidon: God of The Sea - If they need to travel safely across the sea, Aphrodite: Goddess of Love - If they want to find a great husband or wife, Hades: God of The Underworld - If they want to ensure a person who has passed away is at peace, Nike: Goddess of Victory - If they want to help a friend win at the Olympics, Demeter: Goddess of Agriculture  - If they need to make sure their crops on their farm grow well., Dionysus: God of Theatre and wine - If they wanted to win the Greek Tragedy contest in Athens. , Hestia: Goddess of the Hearth - If they wanted to pray for the safety of their family and the city ,

Ancient Greek Deities



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