(this girl) Japan, Slovenia, (the apple) green, red, (the ship) big, small, (the mouse) black, grey, ( the knife) black, silver, (tennis racket) black and blue, black and red, (T-shirt) brown, blue, (the boys) Croatia, Hungary, (this flag) British, American, (toothbrushes) old, new, (this car) slow, fast, (Mr and Mrs Brown) young, old, (this flag) Slovenian, Hungarian, (This man) Italy, France, (spaghetti) Italy, Mexico, (the toys) Croatia, China, (babushka dolls) Russia, Japan, (kozolec) Slovenia, The Netherlands, (windmills) Norway, The Netherlands, (Donald Trump) Greece, the USA, (Pablo Picasso) Slovenia, Spain, (the Royal family) Korea, Great Britain, (Neymar) New Zealander, Brazilian, (maple syrup) Irish, Canadian, (Albert Einstein) Argentina, Germany, (Messi) Australia, Argentina, (Matterhorn) Slovenia, Switzerland, (Triglav) Austria, Slovenia, (kilt) Purtuguese, Scottish, Finland, Australia, (Cristiano Ronaldo) Welsh, Portuguese, (pullover) clean, dirty.

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