voyage - a long jorney,especially on a ship, journey - an occasion when you travel from one place to another , especially over a long distance , trip - an occasion when you go somewhere and come back again, travel - the activity of travelling , excursion - a short journey that you make for pleasure , view - the things than you can see from a particular place , sight - a person or a thing that you can see that has a particular feature , world - the planet that we live on , earth - the land on which we live, area - the part of a place or a building , territory - an area of land that is controlled by a particular country,leader or army, season - one of four periods into which the year is divided according to the weather, period - an amount of time, fare - the money that you pay for a journey, ticket - a piece of paper that shows that you have paid for to do something such as travel on a train,bus, plane,etc., fee - an amount of money that you pay to be allowed to do something such as join an organisation, miss - to be to late for something such as train or bus, lose - to no longer have something , take - to move or carry someone or something from one place to another , bring - to take someone or something with you from one place to another , go - to move or travel to a place that is away from where you are now, book - to arrange to have or to use something at a particular time in the future, keep - to continue to have or own something , arrive - to reach a place , reach - to arrive somewhere, live - to have your home in a particular place, stay - to live or remain in a place for a while as a guest or visitor , border - the official line that separates two countries or regions , edge - the part of something that is furthers from its centre, line - a long thin mark on the surface of something,

unit 2 vocabulary macmillan



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