1) What does NBA stand for? a) National Baseball Association b) National Badminton Association c) National Basketball Association 2) What piece of equipment is used for striking a tennis ball in tennis? a) A racquet. b) A bat. c) A stick. 3) How many players are on a baseball team? a) 7. b) 10. c) 9. 4) What type of race is the Tour de France? a) A rowing race. b) A cycling race. c) A rollerblading race. 5) What part of the body is not allowed to touch the ball in soccer (football)? a) Feet. b) Knees. c) Hands. 6) How many rings form the Olympic logo? a) 5. b) 6. c) 4. 7) Which sport uses the lightest ball? a) Football. b) Baseball. c) Table tennis. 8) Which country invented volleyball? a) The USA. b) The United Kingdom. c) Australia. 9) In which country did the Olympic Games originate? a) Italy. b) Greece. c) France. 10) What is the object hit by the players in ice hockey called? a) A dart. b) A puck. c) A net.


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