Air conditioner - A device that cools and dries the air in one room or an entire home., Vacuum cleaner - A machine used to clean floors, carpets and rugs by sucking up crumbs, dirt and other particles., Iron - It uses heat and/or steam to press out wrinkles in clothing., Washing machine - It cleans clothes and other materials with water and soap and then spins the water out so that they can dry more quickly., Refrigerator & freezer - an appliance that keeps food preserved with cold air., Dish washer - A machine that washes and dries dishes, glasses, silverware, pots and pans., Flat screen television - A television that has a flat screen., Desk lamp - A small lamp used to provide light to a particular area to make it easier to see what one’s working on., Blender - An electric mixing machine used in food preparation for liquidizing, chopping, or pureeing, Hair Dryer - An electromechanical device that blows ambient or hot air over damp hair to speed the evaporation of water to dry the hair., Pressure Cooker - An hermetically sealed pot that produces steam heat to cook food quickly, Juicer - An appliance for extracting juice from fruit and vegetables., Food processor - A kitchen appliance used to facilitate repetitive tasks in the preparation of food like chopping, mixing and shredding., Stove - Used for cooking or heating that operates by burning fuel or using electricity,

Home appliances



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