1) ensimmäinen a) the first b) first c) 1st d) one e) the 1st 2) toinen a) 2nd b) 2st c) 2th d) second e) the second f) two 3) kolmas a) the third b) 3rd c) 3th d) third e) three f) 3st 4) viides a) the fiveth b) the fifth c) fifth d) 5th e) five f) fife 5) yhdeksäs a) 9th b) ninth c) the ninth d) the nineth e) nine f) the nineteenth 6) kahdeskymmenes a) the 20th b) 20th c) the twentyth d) the twentieth e) twenty 7) kahdeskymmeneskolmas a) the twentythird b) the 23rd c) the twenty third d) the twenty-third e) twentieth three f) 23rd 8) My birthday is ... a) on the seventh of June b) in the June 7 c) on June the 7th d) at June the 7th e) under the seventh of June




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