1) Kia is very busy. Please, don't disturb ... ! a) you b) me c) them d) I e) he f) her 2) That is Kia, my English teacher! Is ... nice?  a) she b) her c) they d) us e) I f) we 3) Oscar is ill today. So we won't see ... . a) him b) her c) us d) me e) you 4) Where is Tilda? I can't see ... . a) her b) me c) she d) you e) I 5) Here is your milk. Drink ... . a) they b) you c) it d) him e) he 6) We are going shopping. Let's go with ... ! a) we b) you c) them d) us e) me 7) Alvar and Kasper need your help? Can you help ... ? a) you b) them c) him d) they e) her 8) Those are my nuts. Don't eat ... ! a) they b) me c) you d) it e) them 9) A cat has got a tail. This is ... . a) a cats' tail b) a cat's a tail c) a cat's tail d) a cats's tail 10) Liam has got a flower. This is ... . a) Liam's a flower b) Liams' flower c) Liam's flower d) Liam' flower 11) Horses have got legs. These are ... . a) horses' legs b) horse's legs c) horse' legs d) horses's legs 12) Children have got bikes. These are ... . a) childrens's bikes b) children' bikes c) childrens' bikes d) children's bikes 13) Mum and Dad have got a bedroom. This is ... . a) Mum and Dad' bedroom b) Mum and Dad's bedroom c) Mum's and Dad's bedroom d) Mums and Dads' bedroom 14) A brother and a sister have got toys. These are ... . a) A brother and a sister's toys b) A brother's and a sister's toys c) A brother' and a sister' toys d) A brothers' and a sisters' toys 15) I have got ... own car. a) my b) mine c) its d) our 16) The bike belongs to Lovis. It's ... bike. a) her b) his c) its d) their 17) I have got a cat. .... name is Browny. a) their b) his c) its d) my 18) My sister is at this school. ... birthday is tomorrow a) its b) his c) my d) her 19) I have two students. ... names are Svea and William. a) their b) my c) our d) its 20) We have got two children. ... children are twins. a) their b) our c) his d) its 21) How is your granny? - Thanks. ... granny is OK! a) your b) her c) my d) their 22) My favorite subject is History. … is very exciting. a) it b) he c) I d) they 23) Look at Oliver. … is so beautiful! a) it b) she c) you d) I e) he 24) Stella works at the hospital. … is a doctor. a) it b) I c) he d) we e) she 25) We like horses. ... are very beautiful. a) she b) he c) it d) they 26) Ronja and Saima are classmates. ... made friends many years ago. a) we b) they c) he d) I 27) How are you? - ... am fine, thanks! a) you b) I c) it d) they 28) My parents live in Moscow, and ... ? a) your b) yours c) mine d) them 29) This is Damian. The car near the house is ... . a) hers b) its c) his d) he 30) My parents and I moved in a new house. That one with red roof is ... . a) mine b) us c) its d) ours 31) These toys are Niklas' and Daniel's. The toys are ...... a) ours b) hers c) theirs d) his 32) My little son hurt ... while he was playing with friends. a) himself b) myself c) him d) me 33) Leo is good at singing, he has prepared practised all by ... . a) itself b) it c) herself d) her e) himself 34) My brother and I like playing hide and seek. His lovely place is under the bed and ... is behind the sofa. a) my b) him c) mine d) his 35) Axel parked my car right outside. Where did you park ... ? a) its b) mine c) yours d) ours 36) I can’t find Erin's and Anna's house. Which one is ... ? a) hers b) his c) theirs d) its 37) Tove did the homework by ...  a) itself b) myself c) himself d) mine e) herself 38) Goodbye! Be careful! Don’t hurt ... a) yourselves b) myselves c) yours d) mines 39) Many people enjoy ... playing video games. a) them b) themselves c) themselfs d) their 40) We looked at ... in the mirror. a) us b) ourselfs c) ours d) ourselves 41) Linnea and Hilda are dancing. ... enjoy it! a) they b) my c) her d) us e) theirs 42) Edith likes to play. She likes to play by ... a) herself b) himself c) itself d) theirselves 43) Ingrid bakes cookies for us. ... are excited! a) They b) We c) Him d) He 44) Aapo and Ellen are late for school! Can you see ...? a) us b) them c) their d) me 45) Elis and Jenna are eating by .... a) themselves b) himself c) herself d) us e) I f) you

Pronouns, mixed - 5th grade



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