alteration - a change to something that makes it different, slightly - in a small amount or degree, impressive - causing someone to feel admiration or respect, show off - to behave in a way that is intended to attract attention or admiration, and that other people often find annoying, crucial - extremely important or necessary, implement - to start using a plan or system, aware - knowing that something exists, or having knowledge or experience of a particular thing, familiarize - to learn about something, neat - tidy, with everything in its place, focal point - the thing that everyone looks at or is interested in, usher - to show someone where they should go, or to make someone go where you want them to go, hierarchy - a system in which people or things are put at various levels or ranks according to their importance, stumble - to hit your foot against something while walking and almost fall, or to walk awkwardly as if you might fall, evoke - to make someone remember something or feel an emotion, playful - funny and not serious, in a sense - thinking about something in one way, but not in every way, align - to put two or more things into a straight line, or to form a straight line, call to action - ​an order or a demand to do something in order to achieve an aim or deal with a problem, reinforce - to make a feeling, an idea, etc. stronger, harmony - a state of peaceful existence and agreement, consider - to think about something carefully, especially in order to make a decision, stand out - ​to be easily seen or noticed, tighten - to hold or fix something more securely in position; to make something or become more difficult to move, open or separate, fundamental - serious and very important; affecting the most central and important parts of something, swap - to give something to somebody and receive something in exchange, component - one of several parts of which something is made, confusion - a state of not being certain about what is happening, what you should do, what something means, etc., advanced - having the most modern and recently developed ideas, methods, etc., master - to learn or understand something completely, height - the distance from the top to the bottom of something, or the quality of being tall,

Advanced design examples


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