1) Ferrari is ... (fast) car in the world.  a) fastest b) the fastest c) the most fast 2) New York is ... (big) ... Cagliari. a) bigger than b) more big than c) bigger 3) Julian is ... (tall) than Mark. a) the tallest b) taller c) more tall 4) Brad Pitt is ... (handsome) than Robert DeNiro.  a) handsomer than b) most handsome c) more handsome 5) Maths is ... (difficult) than French.  a) most difficult b) more difficult c) difficulter 6) The Thames is ... (long) river in England. a) more longer b) longest c) the longest 7) Mary is ... (pretty) than Louisa. a) more pretty b) prettier c) prettyer 8) Football is ... (popular) sport in the world. a) most popular b) the more popular c) the most popular 9) Mount Everest is ... (high) than Monte Bianco. a) the highest b) highest c) higher 10) Molly is ... (plump) than Lucy. a) more plump b) plumper c) the plumpest



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