concentrate - (v) to focus on something, disagreement - (n) not sharing the same opinion on a matter, expensive - (adj) opposite of cheap, movement - (n) the act, process, or result of moving, dull - (adj) not interesting or exciting; boring, portrait - (n) a painting, drawing or photograph of a person, clarify - (v) to make something clear, technique - (n) method, confusing - (adj) unclear, hard to understand, modern - (adj) new and different from traditional styles, wheel - (n) the round object used for controlling the direction in which a car moves, abstract - (adj) existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical reality, ability - (n) power or skill to do or make something, relationship - (n) the connection between two or more things, people, depressed - (adj) very sad, hopeless, violent - (adj) using force to hurt or destroy someone, benefit - (n) advantage, approach - (n) the way you look at things, point of view, obtain - (v) to get something, especially by making effort, motivation - (n) the feeling of wanting to do something,


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