3. Family: family matters, raising children, different generations, marriage and other partnerships, 4. Home: types of housing, neighbourhood, buying/building a house, mortgage, urban vs rural lifestyle, 5. Travelling/ transportation: Driving a car/traffic regulations, pedestrians, cyclists, travelling abroad destinations and reasons for travelling/means, 6. Shopping/ shops: habits/advertisments, marketing, Shop chains/delivery service, small grocery shops vs shopping centres, 7. Communication/keeping contact: the reasons why smartphones became so popular, the importance of speaking foreign languages, the dominance of the English language, 8. Services: renting a car/ travelling agencies, reparations/guaranties, 9. Culture/entertainment: cinema, theatre, books vs the internet, TV, video, DVD, internet and social media, 10. Weather/climate: the importance and accuracy of weather forecasts, connection between climate and flora/fauna, 12. Sports: doing sports/healthy lifestyle/ extreme sports, ballsports/team sports/rules of the game, water sports/winter sports, the Olympics, 13. Media: newspapers/ structure and types, articles; news and tabloids , 14. Hobbies: amateur activities, clubs (sport, cultural, professional); Hobby and work, modern/specialhobbies, 15. Studying/job: language skills/qualification/career, equal opportunities/studying or finding a job, A munkanélküliség kérdése; student exchange programmes/ scholarships and grants abroad; new forms of studies, 16. European Union: getting a job in the EU, languages skills/ study and work opportunities in the EU, 17. Countries: A forrás- és a célnyelvi ország, Népessége/nemzetiségei, Történelmi hagyományai/kulturális értékei/műemlékei, Művészeti/néprajzi sajátosságai, 18. Közélet: Közintézmények/személyes okmányok, Közbiztonság, Nemzeti ünnepek, 19. Környezetvédelem: Környezeti ártalmak (levegő, víz, talaj stb.), Szelektív hulladékgyűjtés, Újrahasznosítás, Alternatív energiaforrások, 20. Aktuális témák/események: Közélet/politika/civil szervezetek, Gazdaság, Művészetek.


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