1) There ... a police station in London. a) ARE b) IS c) AREN'T d) ISN'T 2) There ... 3 museums in New York. a) ARE b) IS c) AREN'T d) ISN'T 3) There ... a supermarket on Central Park. a) ARE b) IS c) AREN'T d) ISN'T 4) There ... shops on Picadilly Circus. a) ARE b) IS c) AREN'T d) ISN'T 5) ... there a cinema in Barcelona? a) ARE b) IS c) AREN'T d) ISN'T 6) ... there any bus stops in your city? a) ARE b) IS c) AREN'T d) ISN'T 7) Yes, there ... a newsagent's on my street. a) ARE b) IS c) AREN'T d) ISN'T 8) No, there ... any train stations in the mountains. a) ARE b) IS c) AREN'T d) ISN'T 9) No, there ... a café at school. a) ARE b) IS c) AREN'T d) ISN'T 10) Yes, there ... 2 hospitals in Paris. a) ARE b) IS c) AREN'T d) ISN'T

Unit 3: structures (at the city)


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