1) I wish he ……………… crying over everything. It’s really annoying! a) Will stop  b) Could stop c) Would stop d) Stop 2) They ……………….since the beginning of this meeting. a) have been arguing b) has been arguing  c) argued d) argue 3) She would have helped him if he ……………….. his papers.  a) brought b) had brought c) bring d) has brought 4) I talked to the girl …………….was wearing a pink T-shirt at the party yesterday .  a) Which b) Where c) When d) Who 5) Saleh likes to play video games…………….. studying for the exam. a) Whereas b) however c) instead of   d) unlike  6) My mother like to eat healthy food ……………………She can have fit and healthy body . a) in order to b) to c) so that d) lead to 7) She got her driving licenses after they……………….. her sight. a) had checked b) Check c) has checked d) have checked 8) Recycling saves our environment , ……………….? a) isn’t it b) doesn’t it c) don’t it  d) hasn’t it 9) Maria painted her office yesterday ( change to passive) a) Maria’s office had been painted b) Maria’s office was painted . c) Maria’s office was being painted d) Maria’s office is painted 10) ……………………… other countries, Kuwait is my favorite. a) On the other hand, b) However, c) In comparison with d) Whereas


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