1) How do you divide the word rabbit? a) rab / bit b) rabb / it c) ra / bbit 2) How do you divide the word upset? a) u / pset b) up / set c) ups / et 3) How do you divide the word banjo? a) ban / jo b) ba / njo c) banj / o 4) How do you divide the word basket? a) ba / sket b) bask/et c) bas / ket 5) How do you divide the word tennis? a) te / nnis b) ten / nis c) tenn / is 6) How do you divide the word turnip? a) tur / nip b) turn / ip c) tu / rnip 7) How do you divide the word bonnet? a) bo / nnet b) bonn / et c) bon / net 8) How do you divide the word jumbo? a) ju / mbo b) jum / bo c) jumb / o


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