1) I ... so much chocolate! I feel sick! a) should not have eaten b) could not have eaten c) would not have eaten 2) Luke ... the exam if he'd studied a bit more a) would have passed b) could have passed c) should have passed 3) John ... Amy, but he didn't have her number a) could have called b) should have called c) would have called 4) You ... rude to him. He's going to be really angry now! a) should not have been b) could not have been c) would not have been 5) She ... to the restaurant if she'd left work earlier a) should have come b) would have come c) could have come 6) You ... this job. I can you are not enjoying it a) should not have taken b) could not have taken c) would not have taken 7) I'm really cold! I ... my coat a) should have brought b) could have brought c) would have brought 8) The children ... their homework last night a) should have done b) could have done c) would have done 9) I ... to see you! I didn't know you were ill. a) should have come b) would have come c) could have come 10) You ... some milk at the shops. We don't have any milk a) should have bought b) would have bought c) could have bought



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