Heart - Pumps blood around the body., Circulation - The movement of blood through the heart and around the body., Arteries - Tubes that carry blood away from the heart., Veins - Tubes that carry blood back to the heart., Plasma - A liquid that pushes blood cells through the bloodstream., Red Blood Cells - Carry oxygen to the cells., White Blood Cells - Protects the body against harmful bacteria., Platelets - Small cells that work with plasma to stop bleeding., Deoxygenated blood - Blood with very little oxygen., Oxygenated blood - Blood with lots of oxygen., Pulmonary Artery - Only artery with deoxygenated blood., Pulmonary Veins - Only veins with oxygenated blood., 20 seconds - Time it takes 1 red blood cell to circulate through the body., 4 months - Lifespan of a red blood cell., Capillaries - The smallest blood vessels that transfer oxygen to other cells in the body.,



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