bully - to use your strength or power to hurt or frighten sb who is weaker or to make them do sth , charge - to accuse sb oficially of doing sth which is against the law , cheat - to act in a dishonest or unfair way in order to get an advantage for yourself, commit a crime - to do sth bad or illegal, court - a place where legal trials take place , give a detention - the punishment of being kept at school for a time after other students have gone home , drab - not interesting, expel - to force sb to leave a country, school , pay a fine - a sum of money that you have to pay for breaking a law or rule, head teacher - the teacher in charge of a school, illiterate - not able to read or write, immature - behaving in a way that is not sensible and is typical of people who are much younger , noticeboard - a board on a wall for putting written information where evryone can see it, play truant - to stay away from school without permission, staffroom - a room in a school where teachers can go when they are not teaching , suspend - to send sb away from their school, job, position for a periiod of time , as punishment , swear - use rude or bad language, sweet-scented - having a pleasant smell ,

Insight Pre-Intermediate 6 unit words


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