budget - the money that is available to a person or organisation, grant - a sum given by the government to be used for a particular purpose, loan - money that a bank lends and somebody borrows, fee - money you pay for professional advice or services, fare - money you pay to travel by bus, plane, taxi, etc., charge - money you pay for goods and services, savings - money that you keep in the bank and don't spend, donation - money that you give to an organisation such as a charity, fine - money that must be paid as punishment for breaking a rule, instalment - one of a number of payments that are paid regularly, deposit - sum of money given as the first part of a larger payment, will - a legal document that says what is to happen to someone's property after they die, overdraft - the amount you owe to the bank when you have spent more than is in your account, lump sum - an amount that is paid at one time and not on separate occasions,

Money and payments_c1


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