to copy or imitate. - mimic, A laptop computer is a computer that is small and that can easily be moved from place to place. A laptop computer can fold up so that it can become flat. - laptop, to fall or drop slowly to another level. - sink, the part of the body of both human beings and animals that connects the head with the body. - neck, a large black and white bird with a long tail and a noisy, chattering call. - magpie, happening in a short or brief time. moving quickly. - rapid, to satisfy.To extinguish or put out. - quench, a trip away from home or school for pleasure; field trip. - outing, to free or save. - rescue, to leap into the air. - jumped, to differ in opinion. - disagree, to fix the mistakes in; change to make right. - correct,

Spelling- Jolly Grammar 3


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