1) смотреть на - to turn your eyes so that you can see sth\sb a) look at b) look after c) look sth up d) look for 2) присматривать за к-л/ч-л - to take care of sb or sth by keeping them healthy or in a good condition a) look into b) look at c) look for d) look after 3) искать (в книге, компьютере и т. д.) - to look at a book or computer in order to find information a) look for b) look sth up c) look after d) look at 4) расследовать ч-л, обдумывать факты - to examine the facts about a situation a) look at b) look sth up c) look after d) look into 5) искать - to try to find someone or something a) look sth up b) look at c) look into d) look for


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