1) Keywords for Present Progressive (Example sentence: "Petra is reading a book....") a) always b) now c) tomorrow d) yesterday e) at the moment f) sometimes 2) Keywords for Simple Past (Example sentence: "Wolfgang went to the cinema...") a) last week b) next Tuesday c) two days ago d) the day before yesterday e) right now f) never 3) Keywords for Present Perfect (Example sentence: "Sandra has not visited London.") a) right now b) sometimes c) yet d) so far e) last year f) next July 4) Keywords for Simple Present (Example sentence: "It's Thursday and Elke ... learns English.") a) yesterday b) usually/often c) now d) normally e) always f) tomorrow 5) Keywords for will-future and going-to-future (Example sentence: "Anja is going to take her dog for a walk....") a) sometimes b) tomorrow c) on Saturday d) last Wednesday e) in a couple of minutes f) at the moment 6) Fill in the correct tense: "Last week, Gerrit _____ his time doing some puzzles." a) is spending b) spent c) has spended d) spends e) will spend

English Tenses: Keywords



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