1) Which agency might introduce new standards for obtaining a passport or work visa? a) Federal Aviation Admin. b) Immigrations & Customs c) Internal Revenue Service d) Food & Drug Admin. 2) Which agency would be interested in those citizens who are slow on paying their taxes in April? a) Immigration & Customs b) Internal Revenue Service c) Food & Drug Admin. d) Environmental Protection Agency 3) Which agency would be responsible for approving the production of a new flavor of Ben & Jerry's ice cream? a) Federal Aviation Admin. b) Internal Revenue Service c) Food & Drug Admin. d) Environmental Protection Agency 4) Which agency has been enforcing the federal mask mandate by removing people from flights who refuse who wear PPE while traveling? a) Federal Aviation Admin. b) Immigration & Customs c) Internal Revenue Service d) Environmental Protection Agency 5) Which agency is responsible for ensuring store brand Advil will actually help with the pain, not make it worse? a) Immigration & Customs b) Occupational Health & Safety c) Food & Drug Admin. d) Federal Emergency Management 6) Which agency might be responsible for censoring a YouTuber who films dead bodies and then uploads the videos for children to see a) Fed. Communication Commission b) Immigration & Customs c) Occupational Health & Safety d) Food & Drug Admin. 7) Which agency ensures the new business you're starting has proper safety training for your workers? a) Fed. Communication Commission b) Immigration & Customs c) Occupational Health & Safety d) Fed. Emergency Management 8) Which agency helps protect our national landmarks and parks- like the Grand Canyon or Washington Monument a) Fed. Communication Commission b) National Park Service c) Occupational Health & Safety d) Food & Drug Admin. 9) Which agency would be called upon if there were wildfires in California and local fire departments needed help? a) Fed. Communication Commission b) Immigration & Customs c) Food & Drug Admin. d) Fed. Emergency Management 10) Which agency might introduce a stricter carbon emissions policy on waste disposal plants? a) Fed. Communication Commission b) Environmental Protection Agency c) Food & Drug Admin. d) Fed. Emergency Management 


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