Proclamation of 1763 - Reserved all land between Appalachian Mountains and Mississippi River, Ghost Dance - Rituals performed by NW tribes to drive whites off their land., Indian Removal Act - Congressional act that forced Native Americans off their land; into Trail of Tears, Tupac Amaru II - led a large Andean rebellion against the Spanish in Peru., Sepoy Mutiny - violent uprising that spread thru India; started Indian independence movement, Anglo-Zulu War - Conflict between British and Zulu Kingdom, ended with British victory, Telegraph - Invention allowed news to travel instantly along overland/underwater cables, Guano - bat & seabird excrement rich in nutrients, used as fertilizer, Export Economies - colonies that provide raw materials, often to have them sold back as finished goods, De Beers Mining Company - Owned by Cecil Rhodes, accounted for 90% of global diamond production,

Unit 6.3 - 6.4 Review Matching


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