1) I __________ my friends tomorrow. a) will seeing b) am seeing c) am going 2) ________ you ever ________ to New York City? a) Have / been b) Has / been c) Have / be 3) I usually ___________ to school on foot. a) drive b) going c) go 4) She ____________ to visit London this summer. a) is going b) has visited  c) was visiting 5) He is not at home. It's 9 o'clock. He ________ be at school. a) is  b) must c) is going 6) Are you ______ than your friend? a) short b) tall c) taller 7) If you study hard, you _______ the exam. a) will pass b) pass c) would pass 8) You __________ use a mobile phone during classes. It's forbidden.  a) are able to b) are not allowed to c) are not able to 9) My dad ___________ on playing tennis. a) is keen b) is able c) is into 10) Is this class __________ or boring? a) interested b) interest c) interesting  11) I have _______ done my homework. a) already b) yet c) since 12) I have lived in Glasgow _____ 5 years. a) ago b) for c) since 13) I have lived in Poland ______ 2020. a) since  b) for c) ago

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