1. Somebody ... (knock) at the door. Can you see who it is? - is knocking, 2. While we ... (get) ready to go out, the rain suddenly stopped. - were getting, 3. I ... (take) a lot of exercise lately. - have been taking, 4. Anna didn't understand why the mysterious stranger ... (send) her such a letter. - had sent, 5. Fresh fruit ... (contain) a range of vitamins. - contains, 6. I'm sick and tired of you. You ... (always/ criticize) me! - are always criticizing, 7. He ... (work) all morning, so he felt really tired. - had been working, 8. In 1969, the first men ... (land) on the Moon. - landed, 9. We ... (know) each other for ages. - have known, 10. By the time the fire engines arrived, the neighbours ... (already/put) out the fire. - had already put,

Mixed tenses



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