1st Amendment - Freedom of religion, assembly, press, petition, speech, 2nd Amendment - right to keep and bear arms, 3rd Amendment - you don't have to house militia , 4th Amendment - protects against search and seizure, 5th Amendment - you don't have to testify against yourself, 6th Amendment - right to a trial by jury in civil cases, 7th Amendment - right to trial by jury in federal cases, 8th Amendment - prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, 9th Amendment - just because it's NOT in the constitution, doesn't mean it isn't a right!, 10th Amendment - the feds can only do what the constitution says they can do!, 11th Amendment - lawsuits between states removed from federal jurisdiction, 12th Amendment - establishes selection of the VP, 13th Amendment - abolished slavery, 14th Amendment - if you're born in US, you're a citizen, 15th Amendment - black men can vote, 16th Amendment - established a nationwide income tax, 17th Amendment - direct election of US senators, 18th Amendment - prohibited manufacture, distribution, and sale of alcohol, 19th Amendment - women can vote, 20th Amendment - set presidential inauguration for January 20, 21st Amendment - repealed prohibition, 22nd Amendment - limited presidents to 2 terms, 23rd Amendment - D.C. residents get to vote in presidential elections, 24th Amendment - eliminated poll taxes, 25th Amendment - VP will succeed President; provides process to fill vacancy of VP, 26th Amendment - lowers voting age to 18, 27th Amendment - prohibits raising or lowering Congressional salaries before start of new session,



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