1) Abre tu libro  a) Close your book  b) Open your book c) Raise your hand d) Listen to the Cd  2) Lee el texto a) Read the text b) Raise your hand c) be quiet d) Close your book 3) yo no entiendo a) Be quiet b) listen to the cd c) I don´t understand d) Open your book 4) Como se dice ............. en inglés?  a) be quiet b) I don't know c) Close your book d) How do you say in english? 5) Escucha el Cd o el audio a) Open the book b) Listen to the CD c) i don't understand d) how do you say in english? 6) Habla en inglés a) Speak in english b) How do you say in english? c) close your book d) Open your book 7) Cierra tu libro a) Close your door b) Speak in english c) Close your book d) I don't know 8) Escribe una oración a) Be quiet b) Write a sentence c) I don't understand d) open your book 9) Puedes repetirlo de nuevo a) Can you repeat that? b) Any questions? c) I don't know d) How do you say in English? 10) Alguna pregunta? a) listen to the CD b) Speak in english c) Any questions? d) How do you say in English? 11) Que significa esta palabra? a) Read the text b) listen to the cd c) speak in english d) What does this word mean?

Classroom Language in English



Vizuális stílus


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Automatikus mentés visszaállítása :?