1) I ______________ at home all day. a) Was b) Were 2) My friends _____________ at a party last Saturday. a) Was b) Were 3) His mum ___________ at work yesterday. a) Wasn’t b) Weren’t 4) The boys ________ happy with the test results. a) Was b) Were 5) My aunt ________ in hospital last week. a) Was b) Were 6) You ___________ hungry after school. a) Wasn’t b) Weren’t 7) ________ the students at school? a) Was b) Were 8) It _________ sunny yesterday. a) Wasn’t b) Weren’t 9) They ________ in the playground. a) Was b) Were 10) Tom ________ home alone. a) Was b) Were 11) Jane and Kate ________ at the shopping centre. a) Was b) Were 12) ________ you tired yesterday? a) Was b) Were 13) Were you sleepy? Yes, __________ a) I was b) I wasn’t c) He was d) He wasn’t 14) Were the boys angry? No, __________ a) They were b) They weren’t c) He was d) He wasn’t 15) My parents __________ on holiday in Paris. a) Was b) Were 16) ________ you with them? a) Were b) Was 17) _______ your grandparents at you birthday party? a) Was b) Were 18) ________ the dog out? a) Was b) Were 19) Was Danny ill? Yes, ___________. a) He wasn’t b) They weren’t c) He was d) He wasn’t 20) _________ the story interesting? a) Was b) Were


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