Low cost airlines offer a lot for what you pay., Our trip to Japan cost us a fortune., We spent a week far away from civilisation, in the wilds., An inn is like a pub, but they do accomodation, too., It was a trekking holiday where we slept under the stars every night., We can not get our money back as the ticket is non-refundable., You can break your journey once as the ticket allows one stopover. , It was not a holiday flight, but a proper scheduled one., If you cancel your journey, you have to pay a cancellation fee., The cost includes all transfers from the airport to the hotel and back., We have to cook for ourselves, it is a self-catering programme., I do not have to pay per mile for my rental car, they gave me unlimited mileage., We had only lunches at the hotel as there was only half-board available., The price was all inclusive including both the flight and the hotel costs., I could afford to fly only economy class.,




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