MAKKAH: prophet Muhammad started teaching Allah's message here , Prophet Muhammad was born in this city, The Kabah is here , Mawlana Ali was born here , The People of this city did not sell food or water to the muslims, MADINAH: This is where prophet Muhammad made his home after Makkah, Our first five Imams lived in this city, Hazarat Hasan and Hazarat Husayn were born here, Cairo: Imams made roads , bridges and buildings, This city was built by our 14th Imam, Imams built colleges , libraries where people could go and study, Al Azhar university is in this city, It became the capital of the Fatimad empire, Alamut: Some Ismailis lived in Forts and castles on steep mountain, There is a special place where people can study stars (observatory), Pirs and Dais from this place taught our faith, Bombay: There are lot of scooters and rickshaws, it is a city in India, Our 48th Imam was lived here, Africa: Mulsims travelled here by Dhows, It is called the land of lions and zebras, After arriving here they worked as traders and merchants, they faced dangers from wild animals like the lions,

city sort



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