1) in neonate which method is accurate for temperature measuring ? 1-per rectal 2-orally 3-axillary  2) the most common cause of fever without in neonates ? 1-sepsis 2-meningitis 3- UTI 3) when you give fluid for feversh patient , you must give him warm fluid ? 1- TRUE 2- FALSE  4) In neonate, a fever is not usually serious or life threatening? 1- true 2-false 5) Are as tha most effictive in cooling patient , (one of them not correct): 1- neck 2-face 3-tors 4-axillae 6) neutropenic cancer patient with fever, how many sets of blood cultures should be made ? 1- 2SETS 2-4 SETS S 7) •Antibiotics vs Blood Cultures in Sepsis: Which Should Come First? Antibiotics vs Blood Cultures in Sepsis: Which Should Come First?  8) What confirms a septic shock? 9) In an adult patient with sepsis how many blood cultures sets should you obtain? 10) What is the purpose of checking lactate levels 11) In neutropenic cancer patient with fever, in addition to a complete history and examination, should be given to which of the following potential sites of infection? 1-perianal region 2-IV catheter exit sit 3-skin 4- mouth 5- all above ? 12) SOME CHILDREN CAN HAVE A SEIZURE CAUSED BY FEVER (FEBRILE SEIZURE).THESE ARE OFTEN HARMLESS, AND ARE MOST COMMON IN CHILDREN AGES:1- newborn to 6 months 2- 6months to 5 yearsold 3- 6-8 years old 13) REGARDING THE TIMING OF THE FEBRILE SEIZURE DURING THE FEBRILE ILLNESS, WHEN DO MOST CHILDREN HAVE THEIR SEIZURE? 1- first day 2-second day 3- third day 14) A 36 YEARS OLD MALE PRESENTS TO AMBULANCE CREW AFTER EMERGENCY CALL MADE BY FAMILY STATING THE PATIENT SHIVERING AND HIS TEMPERATURE 39C , ONE OF THINGS MUST BE DONE IN AMBULANCE :1- take Hx 2- vital sign 3- cooling 4- all 15) As part of your initial approach and assessment of your febrile patient, the most important is to:1- wake up 2- adequate airway 3- midazolam 16) اختار رقم واسم من الموجودين يجاوب  17) حاب تحول السؤال لمين ؟  18) راحت فرصتك

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