1) Once there was a mean little boy who lived in a small village. This mean little boy loved to mess with people, so one day he ran up to a sheep herder and shouted, “WOLF! WOLF! A wolf is attacking the town!” The sheep herder grabbed his staff and ran to defend the town, but realized he had been fooled when the boy started pointing and laughing at him. “Ha ha! I made you jump,” said the boy. Then the boy ran up to a farmer and shouted, “WOLF! WOLF! A wolf is attacking the town!” The farmer grabbed his pitchfork and ran to defend the town, but when the boy started pointing and laughing at him, he realized he had been tricked. As the boy went back to his family’s farm laughing about the funny trick he played, he saw a real wolf in his father’s chicken coop. As the wolf ate all of his father’s chickens, the boy screamed over and over again, “WOLF! WOLF! Please help us!” But nobody came to help him. a) Wolves are bad animals. b) Don’t ask for help unless you really need it. c) You can't count on people who live in small villages. 2) Angie loved to draw. She made colorful designs of people’s names with bright hearts & flowers, but she lost own markers, so she borrowed her teacher’s. The school day was ending, but Angie wanted to keep coloring, so she took the teacher’s markers home and lost them in her messy room. She came back to school the next day and wanted to color again, so she asked the teacher for more markers. The teacher replied, “Sure, Angie, but this is my last pack.” Angie said she would be careful, but by the end of the day the markers were scattered all over the floor and the custodian swept them up and disposed of them. When Angie came in the next day, she asked the teacher for more markers, but she was disappointed to find that there weren’t any more. “I don’t know where all of my markers went,” said the teacher, “but I don’t have them.” Angie had to draw her pictures with drab pencils. a) Take care of shared resources. b) Crayons are better than colored pencils. c) Don't let people borrow things. 3) Jenny hated reading class. She didn’t understand point of view or figurative language, and not knowing how to do the work frustrated her. She asked the teacher for help, but he spoke so fast and used such big words that she still couldn’t understand. The teacher asked if she understood, and she nodded her head, but she didn’t. Jenny’s friend Katie knew that Jenny was having trouble, and, rather than just giving Jenny all of the answers, Katie explained to Jenny how to solve the problems. Katie spoke clearly and at Jenny’s level, and Jenny was happy that she finally learned how to do the work. Later in the week, Katie was having trouble in math class. She didn’t understand coordinates and was really frustrated. Seeing that Katie was having problems, Jenny, who understood math very well, taught Katie coordinates. Both girls made honor roll that quarter. a) Math is so hard. b) We can all do better when we work together. c) You can do well in both math and reading. 4) Carrie loved her phone and her tablet.  She was always looking at one or the other.  Her parents would try to talk to her about her life, but she would just ignore them or give them monosyllabic answers until they left her alone.  When she was at school, she'd sneak peeks at her phone under her desk whenever she could get away with it.  When she was at parties, she spent more time interacting with the devices in front of her than with the people around her. Even at concerts and sporting events, Carrie seldom removed her eyes from these tiny screens.  One day Carrie was walking home from a friend's house and watching a funny video of people slipping on ice.  She began crossing the street just after the light changed. She was so into the video that she did not notice the oncoming traffic.  She walked directly into the traffic while laughing at the falling people on her tiny screen and was hit by a bus.  Carrie sustained mild injuries, but both of her devices were destroyed. As far as she was concerned, her life was over. a) Tablets are so cool. b) Carrie needs to do other things beside use technology. c) You can get too much of a good thing. 5) Kelly had a job at the movie theater, but it didn't pay very much and she was sick of working there. Nonetheless, the work was steady and she needed all of the money that she could get.  To her delight, Kelly got an interview at a big office downtown for a job that paid much more.  The interview went very well and the bosses all but offered her a position.  They said that she would fit the role well and they promised that they would call her back within two weeks. Kelly couldn't wait to quit her job at the movie theater. As soon as she got back she put in her two week notice. She spent the next two weeks bragging to her coworkers about her new high-paying job in the big city.  Yet, two weeks passed and she received no phone call.  When Kelly decided to follow up on her interview, she learned that the bosses had chosen a different candidate.  Kelly was crushed. a) Nothing is a sure thing before it happens. b) Working at a movie theater is hard work. c) Kelly did not get the job she thought she had. 6) When she wasn't going to school or doing homework, Sharon spent most of her time drawing.  She drew elaborate manga inspired scenes of heroic warriors and beautiful princesses.  She drew detailed landscapes dotted with colorful monsters and menacing villains, but she never shared her work with anyone. Time passed and Sharon continued to develop as an artist. She had mastered the skills of shadowing and texturing her artwork and she graduated from high school. Too afraid to share her work with others, Sharon pursued a college degree in business rather than art, but she continued to passionately work on her artistry when she was alone.  More time passed and now Sharon was managing a department at a large corporation. She didn't really like her job, but she was comfortable doing it.  By now, Sharon had pretty much given up on creating her own art, but she still appreciated the art of others. a) Sharon loved to drawing. b) Drawing is just a waste of time. c) You will never make a shot that you don't take. 7) Money Mark was born rich. He never had to work a day in his life and he got everything handed to him on a silver platter. When he was six, Money Mark wanted to go to a basketball game. His father paid the starting five of the Bulls and Celtics to play a private game of Nerf-ball in Money Mark’s bedroom. When Money Mark turned thirteen, he wanted to start a band. His father hired the Mountain Boys to play with him every Saturday at the family’s private concert hall, though his family was never there. By the time he was twenty-one, Money Mark was bored with life. He was surrounded by a bunch of possessions that he didn’t appreciate. Nothing was new or exciting to him. Despite his vast wealth, Money Mark never found happiness. Penny Petal was born poor. Her family hardly had anything to eat, but they loved each other. Penny Petal appreciated every thing she got. When she was six, her father walked her around the United Center before the Bulls played the Celtics. She was excited by the crazy fans and feeling in the air. She looked forward to the day that she could see a real game. When she was thirteen, she learned to play the buckets. She was an extremely talented musician, a natural percussionist. Everyone on the block loved the rhythms that poured from her palms. By the time she was twenty-one, Penny was a successful businesswoman. Soon she had everything that she had ever dreamed of having. She loved to share her wealth and happiness with her family, who had supported her through the hard times. a) Being rich would be awesome. b) Money doesn't buy happiness. c) A penny saved is a penny earned. 8) Mr. Pig and Mr. Dog relaxing at the food court of the animal shopping mall. Mr. Pig was eating a huge feast of pizza and drinking a large jug of fruit punch. Mr. Dog was watching him eat. "Hey, Mr. Pig. If you give me a slice of your pizza, I'll let you have the next bone I find." Mr. Pig declined, even though it hurt his stomach to eat the last three slices of pizza. "I'm sorry, Mr. Dog," Mr. Pig said between grunts, "but I paid for this pizza and it's all mine." Mr. Dog sighed and waited for Mr. Pig to finish. Then they left the animal mall together. On the way out, a hunter spotted them and gave chase. Mr. Pig normally could have escaped the hunter, but he was weighed down by the large meal. Mr. Pig collapsed and the hunter seized him. Mr. Dog easily escaped. Later that night, Mr. Dog returned to the scene. He caught the scent of something delicious and began digging around a trashcan. He found a large ham bone with lots of meat and marrow still stuck to it. Mr. Dog happily ate. a) It is nice to share with others. b) Pigs are cuter than dogs. c) Pizza taste amazing.



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