Analyse - Look closely and break down something into parts. (This often means you also need to explain more about the parts and the whole.), Argue - Make a case for or against a position, using evidence., Compare - Discuss the similarities and differences between two (or more) things., Contrast / Distinguish - Discuss the differences between two (or more) things., Define - Explain the meaning of a word, phrase or concept. (This is often to show understanding of words or concepts in an essay topic)., Describe - Show what something is like by giving a description and providing examples., Identify - Select or pick-out an answer from a number of possibilities., Recount - Retell what happened. Describe a series of events., State - Tell. Give a brief, specific answer., Summarise / Outline - State the main ideas, without comment or detail.,

MYLNS Instruction Words - List 1 (Instructions found in essay titles)


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