1) Which of the following are Aryan a) b) c) d) 2) What is eugenics a) Darwin’s theory of evolution b) The theory of selective breeding c) Genetic engineering d) The Nazi belief in the master race 3) How many female teachers were there in Weimar Germany a) 3000 b) 10,000 c) 100,000 d) 30,000 4) In 1936 women were forbidden from becoming what? a) Politicians b) Doctors c) Teachers d) Judges e) Mothers 5) What was the name of the Nazi women’s League a) Kinder, Kirche, Kuche b) Frau Wart c) Frauen Warte d) Women’s World 6) How many times a week was this published a) Once b) Twice c) Three times d) Daily 7) What were the 3 Ks? a) Children, Cooking, Cleaning b) Cleaning, Church, Children c) Children, cooking, Church 8) Which of the following was allowed? a) Trousers b) Make up c) Hair dye d) Plaits e) Slimming 9) How many children did women need to have in order to keep the marriage loan? a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8 10) What was the name of the medal awarded to women for large families? a) Iron Cross b) Mother’s cross c) Honour cross  d) Motherhood Cross 11) How many children were needed to win the Gold Honour Cross? a) 8 b) 6 c) 4 12) What were childless couples encouraged to do? a) Divorce b) Adopt 13) Who would you find in Lebensborn homes a) SA soldiers b) SS soldiers c) Gestapo d) Kripo 14) In Nazi Germany who did women need to see before they could marry? a) Priests b) Doctors c) Judges d) Police 15) What is Sterilisation? a) Medically stopping people from having children b) Forced Abortion

Women in Nazi Germany



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