Religious toleration - Willingness to let others practice their own beliefs, Mayflower Compact - Agreement by the Pilgrims before they landed at Plymouth, indentured servant - A person signed a contract, where they agreed to work in exchange for passage to the colonies, food, clothing, and shelter. This agreement was from four to seven years, Breadbasket Colonies - Nickname for the Middle Colonies – because they grew lots of grain, cash crops - Surplus of crops – sold for money in the world market, backcountry - Area along the Eastern slopes of the Appalachian Mountains - in both the southern and middle colonies, tidewater - Area of low land along the coastal plain in the South – fertile soil, slave codes - Laws that controlled behavior of slaves and denied them basic rights, racism - A belief that one race is better than another, middle passage - Ocean trip from Africa to Americas in which thousands of slaves died, mercantilism - A theory that a nation’s strength came from building up its gold supplies and expanding trade, imports - Trade goods brought into a country, exports - Trade goods sent to markets outside a country, triangular trade - Colonial trade route between New England, Europe, Africa, and the West Indies, Navigation Acts - Laws that governed trade between England and its colonies,

The 13 British Colonies Vocabulary


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