1) 1. Mathematics ... my favourite subject last year, now physics ... . a) was/were b) was/is c) is/is d) are/are 2) 2. There ... my granny's spectacles on the book she was reading. a) was b) were 3) 3. There ... a pair of shoes in the hall. a) was b) were 4) 4. Linguistics ... a very interesting science. a) is b) are 5) 5. The uniforms ... very traditional: black skirts or trousers, white shirts or blouses and black ties. a) is b) are 6) 6. My jeans ... a bit too long.  a) is b) are 7) 7. His shoes ... not very clean.  a) is b) are 8) 8. His new pair of shoes ... fairly expensive.  a) is b) are 9) 9. Statistics ... a rather boring subject, as I see it.  a) is b) are 10) 10. I need a new pair of leggings. My old leggings ... very short. a) is b) are 11) 11) Where ... the glue?  a) is b) are 12) 12) Can you give me ... chalk?  a) some b) a 13) 13) Are there ... rulers on the table?  a) little b) few 14) 14) Is there ... paper here? a) a b) any 15) 15) Are there ... brushes in the box?  a) many b) much 16) 16) This is ... glue, and that is ... water.  a) a/a b) a/- c) -/- d) -/a 17) 17) This ... a pencil case, these ... pencils.  a) is/are b) is/is c) are/ are d) are/is 18) 18) Give me ... felt-tip pen, please. a) a b) -

Rainbow 7, Unit 1, Множественное число существительных



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