cymdeithas - society, cymdeithasau - societies, nant - stream, nentydd - streams, perthynas - relative, perthnasau - relatives, ward - ward, wardiau - wards, agoriad - opening, agoriadau - openings, arweinydd - conductor, arweinwyr - conductors, claf - patient, cleifion - patients, digwyddiad - event, digwyddiadau - events, gwahaniaeth - difference, gwahaniaethau - differences, oedran - age, oedrannau - ages, partner - partner, partneriaid - partners, busneslyd - nosy, meddlesome, lwcus - lucky, cyfarch - to greet, cyflwyno - to introduce, to present, swnio - to sound, ymuno (â) - to join, ar hyn o bryd - at the moment, gyda llaw - by the way, wrth fy modd - in my element,

Geirfa Uned 01, Cymraeg i Oedolion, Canolradd (De)


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