1) Are you able to express yourself freely or do you often hold back? 2) What is willpower? 3) Do you want to know what others think about you? 4) When someone has an opinion about you that is not true, do you want to change it? 5) What makes you loose all willpower to do something you planned? 6) 'Self-expression is always right.' You can do what you want. - do you agree? 7) Self-expression is used to show people how you are different. - do you agree? 8) School encourages self-expression. - do you agree? 9) Do you post photos? 10) Do you posts thoughts of the day? inspiring quotes? 11) What are the last songs you listened to? 12) Do you have netflix or spotify or tidal on your phone? What is your last watched/played? 13) Do you ever have that dream where you are speaking but no sound comes out? 14) Is there anything you are not allowed to wear to school? 15) Do you ever wear jewellery? 16) How are you today?

TE self expression U1



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