zooplankton - live in disphotic and migrate at night, supralittoral - Zone with the most changes, Galveston island - example of a barrier island, nephritic - coastline, near the shore, euphotic - photosynthesis can occur here, spit - hooked land formation, formed from sandy bottom and current, island - land surrounded by water on all sides, Galveston bay - an example of an estuary, Littoral - zone we want to collect from, lagoon - shallow bay, parallel, NO freshwater, sublittoral - Zone easiest to live in, peninsula - land surrounded by water on 3 sides, estuary - shallow bay, perpendicular to land, river at its head, aphotic - in a cave dark zone, NO LIGHT, pass - narrow passage between two points of land, benthic - living on bottom, barrier island - long, narrow, always parallel to land, TX has the most, photic - phytoplankton live here, disphotic - light present but not enough for photosynthesis, hydrogensulfide - biggest threat to benthic organisms, pelagic - open ocean, nowhere near shore,

Flora and Fauna Vocabulary


Vizuális stílus


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