1) Which of the following is private information that should NOT be shared online? a) Your first name. b) Your full name. c) Your favorite ice cream flavor. d) Your dog's name. 2) Which of the following looks like the safest password? a) patrick b) Patrick*8 c) Love2Ski! d) Sarah2012! 3) If someone chatting with you online says they are 10 years old, how old are they really? a) 35 b) 10 c) 5 d) It's impossible to tell! 4) While playing a game online, you get a message that asks you to click a link. What should you do? a) Click the link b) Close your game c) Click the X in the top right corner d) Wait for the message to disappear 5) What information can I safely share online? a) My favorite book title b) My birthday c) My phone number d) My address 6) While playing an online game, someone sends you a mean message. What should you do? a) Send a mean message back b) Ask them who they are c) Close the game d) Show your parents the message 7) What should you do if your grandma asks you to send her a picture of you online? a) Don't answer her b) Take a photo and send it c) Ask your parents about how to send her a photo privately d) Send one in the mail instead 8) When is it okay for you to buy things online? a) When it's your birthday b) When you are buying a surprise gift for your parents c) Only if you have your own bank account d) Your parents should be making all the online purchases 9) Who can you share your passwords with? a) Your best friend only b) Your parents c) Everyone you trust d) Your classmates 10) Why is it important to stick to websites and games that my parents are okay with me using? a) It's polite b) My parents will love me more c) Not everything on the internet is safe and appropriate for kids d) It's actually not important


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