1) My brother is always happy. He is a ............... person a) active b) impatient c) cheerful 2) I hate waiting. I am very ...................... person a) impatient b) patient c) honest 3) Sue is very ....................... . She doesn't say much. a) talkative b) imtalk c) quiet 4) My brother never stops talking. He is a very ...................................... person. a) honest b) dishonest c) talkative 5) Sue always goes walking or jogging after school. She is an .................... person a) lazy b) active c) patient 6) I don't like doing sports. I prefer to stay at home. I'm a .........................person. a) lazy b) kind c) unkind 7) He is always lying. He is very ................................ a) impatient b) dishonest c) honest 8) We are very .................... we always give each other small gifts. a) patient b) generous c) tidy 9) The judge should be an ....................... person. a) honest b) active c) talkactive 10) Everybody likes my sister. She is a ....................... person. a) tidy b) loud c) friendly 11) If you are rude and ........................ you usually don't have many friends. a) patient b) confident c) unkind 12) I don't like speaking in public I'm a ................ person. a) confident b) shy c) tidy 13) There is a big mess in my room. I'm a very ............................. person. a) tidy b) unkind c) untidy 14) She isn't afraid of performing in front of an audience. She is very ................... a) patient b) confident c) dishonest


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