clear the air - talk openly about the conflict so you can have a better relationship, stormy relationship - a relationship with many disagreements and arguments, get on like a house on fire - have a very friendly relationship, fair-weather friend - person who stops being a friend in difficult times, see eye to eye - have similar views or attitudes to something; be in full agreement, shoulder to cry on - someone who listens sympathetically to your problems, under the thumb - under someone else's control, not free, break the heart - cause deep emotional break; make someone who loves you very sad, love at first sight - instant attraction to someone or something, one in a million - a very special, rare person, my other half - long-term partner, e.g. wife or husband; spouse, give a second chance - give someone a chance to try again after failing, be at a dead end - a situation that has no hope of making progress, go around in circles - to do a lot or seem very busy without achieving anything, to go our separate ways - to end a relationship, be at a crossroads - to be at a stage in your life when you have to make a very important decision, be back to square one - to go back to the very first stage of something, move in the same circles - socialize with others who have a similar background, interests or lifestyle, meet somebody halfway - reach agreement by giving them part of what they want,

SO B1+ 3.2 Idioms + VB


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