1) This person doesn't want to share (compartir) with others. a) Careful b) Mean c) Selfish d) Generous 2) Somebody who doesn't like working a) Lazy b) Friendly c) Mean d) Naughty 3) Martin never speaks in class he is a bit... a) Hard-working b) shy c) Brave d) Confident 4) The opposite of lazy is... a) Confident b) Brave c) NAughty d) Hard-working 5) The opposite of selfish is... a) Generous b) Friendly c) Lazy d) Shy 6) She is not a good person. She is... a) Funny b) Naughty c) Mean d) Talkative 7) In the story the king shares his money and helps people. He is very... a) Generous b) Mean c) Selfish d) Sensitive 8) The opposite of shy is... a) Funny b) Confident c) Sensitive d) Lazy 9) Someone who doesn´t like to spend money a) suspicious b) tight-fisted c) generous 10) A person who never boast about their achievements a) self-important b) modest c) moody 11) someone who is worried about what people think of them a) self-confident b) dependable c) insecure 12) someone who has very strong opinions and often contradicts other people a) self- confident b) anxious c) argumentative 13) somebody who is often very rude and impolite a) generous b) ill-mannered c) reserved 14) Someone who always thinks about other people before themselves. a) considerate b) ill-mannered c) out-going 15) Someone who always does what they say they will do a) dependable b) open-minded c) unreliable 16) Someone who doesn´t listen to new ideas or other people´s opinions a) open-minded b) narrow- minded c) compliant 17) Someone who is usually happy and shows it in his or her behaviour a) courteous b) generous c) cheerful 18) Someone who often praises people and says nice things about them? a) compliant b) complimentary c) complicated 19) People who don´t show their feelings or express opinions. a) Critical b) courteous c) reserved 20) Someone who is calm and able to make decisions in difficult circumstances a) hot-headed b) open-minded c) level-headed 21) A person who you can trust a) reliable b) unreliable c) self-confident 22) This car is absolutely____________ it broke down again a) unreliable b) fantastic c) complimentary 23) He always thinks that he is better than others. He is ____________________ a) self- important b) self-confident c) complimentary 24) He always tells me very nice things... a) compliant b) complimentary c) critical 25) He hardly ever says anything, he is as... a) quiet as a mouse b) gentle as a lamb c) happy as a lark 26) I can´t persuade her to help. She´s ... a) as quiet as a mouse b) as busy as a bee c) stubborn as a mule 27) You can´t trust Fred. He is ... a) as busy as a bee b) as sly as a fox c) as wise as an owl 28) She never has a moment to relax. She is as ... a) brave as a lion b) quiet as a mouse c) busy as a bee 29) Sam behaves so well at school. he´s as... a) good as gold b) wise as a mouse c) cool as a cucumber 30) She is completely fearless. She´s as... a) gentle as a lamb b) free as a bird c) brave as a lion

Personality adjectives



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