incarcerated - imprisoned , perjury - lying under oath, indict - formally charge for a crime, culpable - guilty of a crime; responsible, parole - early release from prison , ireedeemable - beyond all hope of fixing, reforming, or saving, rehabilitation - helping to reform prisoners with education, therapy, or training, condemned - sentenced for a crime, often death, capital punishment - the death penalty, litigation - taking legal action; taking someone to court, futile - hopeless; having no desired effect, credible - believable , implicate - to connect or involve , peril - serious and immediate danger , unsubstantiated - having no evidence or proof, unmerited - undeserved , formidable - inspiring fear or respect due to force, size, or abililty, palpable  - capable of being felt, exonerated - freed or cleared from guilt, or wrongdoing , mandatory - required ,

Just Mercy Criminal Justice Vocabulary



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