Humanities - Studies about human culture, such as literature, languages, philosophy, and history., Sciences - Studies about the world, such as physics, biology, chemistry, and maths., "A" for effort - A good mark, which is given someone for trying hard rather than for a success., Bachelor's degree - An undergraduate course which usually lasts 3 or 4 years., Bookworm - A term to describe someone who really likes to read and spends a lot of time on it., Distance learning (e-learning) - Education that takes place remotely, usually via the Internet., Eager beaver - An enthusiastic and hard-working person., Face-to-face classes - A traditional way of studying - in a classroom with a teacher., Hit the books - Begin studying hard., Individual tuition (private tuition) - Instruction received individually or in a small group., Internship - A temporary position which students usually take to get work experience and practical knowledge., Master's degree - A graduate course, which follows after bachelor's degree., Mature student - Someone who's older than others., Not the sharpest tool in the shed - A polite way of saying that someone isn't very smart., Public schools - Exclusive independent schools in the UK., Schoolboy error - A very basic and stupid mistake., Single-sex schools - Schools for either boys or girls., Small fraction - Small part., Subject specialist - A person who is very talented in one specific field., Teacher's pet - A student whom teachers like the most., State school - A school which is paid for by the state or country., Three R's - Basic educational skills (reading, writing, arithmetic)., To attend classes - To visit classes., To fall behind with studies - To progress less quickly than others., To give feedback - To give some information or criticism on a subject., To goof around - Spend time doing nothing important., To learn something by heart - To memorize something, To meet a deadline - To finish something within a time limit., To miss a deadline - To fail to finish something within a time limit., To pass with flying colours - To pass easily and with excellent result., To play truant - To skip classes without permission., To pursue studying - To continue studying., To set aside some time - To take some time (I need to set aside some time to collect my thoughts)., To sit an exam - To take an exam., To take a year out - To spend one year working or traveling before studying in the University., Tuition fees - Money you pay for your education.,

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