1) A barking dog a) never bites. b) never sleeps. c) never looks at you. 2) A bird in the hand a) will not fly away. b) is worth two in the bush. c) will be scared. 3) A friend in need a) is a rare thing. b) is your best friend. c) is a friend indeed. 4) A liar is not believed a) even when he speaks the truth. b) even when he sleeps. c) even when he looks at you. 5) Actions speak a) instead of words. b) more than words. c) louder than words. 6) All's fair a) when you've got money. b) in love and war. c) that ends well. 7) All roads a) lead to London. b) lead to Rome. c) lead to New York. 8) All that glitters a) is not gold. b) can't buy gold. c) is shiny. 9) All things must a) come to an end. b) bring something good. c) end eventually. 10) All's well a) what is good. b) in love and war. c) that ends well. 11) Don't put all your ____ in one basket. a) money b) chickens c) eggs 12) Never judge a ____ by its cover. a) book b) person c) magazine 13) Birds of a feather ____ together. a) shock b) flock c) fly 14) Never look a gift-horse in the _____. a) mouth b) ear c) teeth 15) Don't count your ________ before they are hatched. a) ducks b) geese c) chickens 16) How would we describe a person who is well- behaved? a) As good as bronze. b) As good as gold. c) As good as silver. 17) When we refer to something inexpensive, we say a) it cost an arm and a leg. b) it is as cheap as dirt. c) it is as cheap as chips. 18) Tim and Jim are very close. They are like two peas in a pod. This means a) Tim and Jim are very similar. b) Tim and Jim are brothers. c) Tim and Jim are vegetarians. 19) Finn isn't clever at all. How would you decribe him? a) He is as thick as thieves. b) He is as thick as two short planks. c) He is as thick as two long planks. 20) If we have a good night's sleep, we a) sleep like a cloud. b) sleep like a log. c) sleep like a cat. 21) Which similie has two meanings? a) like a bull in a china shop b) avoid like the plague c) like watching the paint dry 22) What similie is the opposite of "two peas in a pod"? a) safe as houses b) bright as a button c) like chalk and cheese 23) If you have both terrible hearing and eyesight, which two similies can be used to describe you? a) blind as a bug, deaf as a post b) blind as a bat, deaf as a mole c) blind as a bat, deaf as a post 24) How would you describe two people who have a good relationship? a) They get on like a house on fire. b) They get on like wood on fire. c) They get on like a home on fire. 25) Someone who is calm in all situations is a) as cool as a cucumber. b) as cool as a cabbage. c) as cool as a carrot. 26) The fish was bad and I was as sick as a ___. a) mole b) dog c) parrot 27) She knew the answer as _____ as a flash. a) quick b) fast c) furious 28) The old man's hair was as white as ____. a) pearls b) sheet c) snow 29) My plan worked like a _____, and the problem was soon solved. a) formula b) volcano c) dream 30) My mom is as busy as _____ around Christmastime. a) a bee b) an ant c) a caterpillar

Proverbs and similies


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